Pima cotton, famously known as the extra-long staple (ELS) cotton is grown in the U.S, Australia and a few other places in a very limited production. Pima cotton is ancestral to the Sea Island cottons that were initially produced in the southeast United States. Supima cotton is 100% American grown Pima cotton which is also considered to be one of the best cotton in the market.

This lush and lovely cotton grows along the Northern coastal valleys of Peru. This special type of cotton is harvested entirely by hand unlike many others. Consisting of exceptionally long 1-3/8’’ staple length Peruvian cotton is extremely soft and durable. Due to its purity it is suitable for people with skin sensitivities.
Giza cotton is one of the highly rated cotton fibers of the Egyptian cottons. This cotton is cultivated in fields along the River Nile and in the fertile region of its delta. It has the uniformity index of 88.5 due to which it is capable of producing a supreme quality and a soft fabric when woven. This cotton yarn is produced in a very small region because of which it is rare to be found.

The Sea Island cotton is graded as one of the finest cottons in the world. Unmatched with any other this cotton fiber is produced in a small quantity. It is made up of extra-long staple which is of prime quality and highly priced. It is one of the rarest in the world rating up to 0.00004%. The luxurious cotton is grown on the Sea Islands mostly produced in West Indies Island Barbados.
This long staple cotton is a part of India’s cotton heritage. Suvin is currently in cultivation in parts of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. It is the only G.barbadense variety currently. It is sown in the month of August-September and harvested by February-March. For it’s fine quality it is often compared to Egyptian Giza cotton.